What I Do

Your needs are unique and very different from any other client’s! How I can help you depends on how involved I can be in the project. Here’s a very summarized version of what I can help you with at each stage of creating a video.


The idea goes from the imagination to paper and the preparation stage for the actual shoot. I arrange a series of meetings so that I can get a proper understanding of the client's needs and meet the necessary people so that I can create a custom script and/or storyboard for them. Once the script and storyboard are approved I make the necessary arrangements to get everything that is needed for the shoot.


Lights, camera, action!
Ideally if the budget allows this, I can be there in person to direct and take care of cameraman duties. However if this is not possible, I make the necessary arrangements online to get the best crew to come to you and record the raw video we need for your promo.


The final stage and my favorite part. I grab the raw video material recorded in the previous stage and work my magic on it! Editing, music, , stock footage, color correction, motion graphics, VFX, sound engineering, etc... Anything that is necessary to uplevel your story is used to create an amazing video. There's a review phase where the client can watch the finished product and give feedback so that together we can reach the obest poissible result.

Other cool things you should know

Video Review

When the first version of your promo is completed, you'll receive a link from me directing you to your video where you can watch it and add comments to specific parts so that we can both be on the same page regarding your feedback and reach the best possible outcome.


I have the privilege of being able to speak Spanish, English & German, which enables me to communicate with clients from all over the world.

Mobile & social optimization

The codecs and formats are compatible with all social platforms, whether you're on desktop or mobile. Additionally, I always create a 60 second version formatted specifically to be shared on Instagram.

Guaranteed 24-hour response

I never like to keep clients waiting whenever they have a request or a question. Whether it's an email or a Slack message, you won't wait long to hear from me.

I can help you with...

Content Upload

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